Franco Alfaro's

This is a personal webpage to show myself, my work and my history
based on a template designed by @ajlkn for HTML5 UP.

Nov, 2016

Prime number identifier

Script that check the primality of any number (not only in the space of integer values) in linear time, using the Monte Carlo probabilistic approach, having less than (1/k)^n probability of error, with k being the number of digits on the number using just IO C libraries.

Dec, 2016

O(n) median

Script that recivies a list of integers (length > 2001) without repetition and return his median in linear time, using the Las Vegas probabilistic aproach.

April, 2016

Connecting city pipes with backtracking

Backtracking problem of connecting "city pipes" using the full network of possible connections. I create an algorithm that solves the problem of connection first and then solve the problem of using the full network by backtracking, disconnecting the current pipes and generating new solutions to the problem, all in C.

April, 2018

Eat for Honor!

Unity game made for VideoGame Creation class. Tower defense, where the towers are people, the spawner a Kitchen, endpoint the Trash, and the enemy are dishes. The family has to eat the whole dinner that was made in their honor, if they don't, they disrespect the host, and lose the game.

April, 2020

This Webpage/Portfolio

The code associated with this page, I will develop some new features on it and you will be able to see my workflow.